Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas
Posted by Troy & Allison at 8:19 PM 8 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Just a couple weeks left...
So, its been a long while since I've updated!! A lot has happened in the past couple of months. We moved into a cute little house (pics will come when I finally get organized), Troy started a new job, which he absolutely loves, and we've gotten quite a bit closer to having our little girl here. This is my sad, sad attempt at a self-photo of my belly. With Troy being gone as much as he is, its tricky finding the time and remembering to have him take the I thought I'd give it a shot. I have just over two weeks left, but my midwife says I shouldn't expect to make it to my due date. I don't want to get my hopes up, so I'm planning on January 3rd still - Kai was 5 days late. Kai is starting to talk to "baby sister" a lot more - and its the cutest thing when he thanks Heavenly Father for her in his prayers. He is also grateful for sandwiches and cake. :) Thats pretty much all the excitement here...we hope you are all well and enjoying this wonderful Christmas season!!
Posted by Troy & Allison at 9:37 PM 4 comments
A Winter Bath
I just want everyone to know that the bath was not actually cold. Kai said his hair was cold and we needed to keep it warm with his hat. I just thought this was a cute picture and I wanted to share it with all of you. :)
Posted by Troy & Allison at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Halloween 2008
We had a lot of fun for Halloween this year! We went to a small pumpkin patch and Troy and Kai found the perfect pumpkins for carving and coloring. Troy did a great job carving, as usual - such a perfectionist. And isn't Kai's drawing amazing?! He is pretty advanced. :) We had a party for the school this year and everyone seemed to really enjoy that. Kai absolutely did not want to put on his costume. He would carry it around and play with it, but putting it on was out of the question! Troy and I tag-teamed him and forced it on...he then decided to throw a fit and cry for about 15 minutes...which I just let him do, because I wasn't going to take off the costume. When the kids started to show up for the party, he started having fun and when it was time to take off the costume, he wanted to keep it on! Go figure! Kai was, obviously, Spiderman. Troy was Superman and I was Supergirl...sorry, no family picture to show. Second year in a row we didn't get around to having a picture taken, but oh well. Hope you all had happy hauntings!
Posted by Troy & Allison at 3:37 PM 4 comments
Wyatt's 24 hours in Moab
Wyatt did a 24-hour Mountain Bike Race in Moab, Utah this past October. Troy and I were able to go watch and "help out" a little bit. His team pretty much had everything covered, but we pitched in where we could. It was so fun to be there for Wyatt...I haven't seen him race in anything since high school, so it was great to be able to share this with him. Wyatt did AWESOME! He was part of a 3-man team (which was cut to 2 at about midnight due to a knee injury). Wyatt and his teammate were able to keep the team going by doing two laps at a time - the laps were about 15 miles each. The third team member was able to rejoin the group around 10am and he finished off the race. It was quite cold and VERY windy - but fun nonetheless. The picture below is Wyatt on his first lap - he's in blue! Great job Wyatt and good luck in AZ!
Posted by Troy & Allison at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Prego Pic
Posted by Troy & Allison at 7:18 PM 5 comments
Piper Lily
My newest niece, Piper Lily, got here on September 12, 2008. This is Adele's second little girl, and what a gorgeous little baby! I was so thrilled to have the opportunity to be there for the big day. Kai and I got to San Diego on Tuesday, the plenty of time for the arrival. Adele was so funny to be around while she was in labor - and I am sure she appreciates me posting this! It took just about a shove to get her out the door to go to the hospital...she wanted to put Anna down for a nap first. So, with a lot of convincing, Josh got her to the hopsital right before it was too late. I was able to bring Anna to the hospital that night to meet her little sister. Piper is a really good baby!! Kai asks to see "Diaper" all the we can't wait to come down for the blessing. Congratulations Adele and Josh - she is a beauty!! And thanks!!
Posted by Troy & Allison at 6:37 PM 0 comments
Kai had so much fun in California!! He got to play with his cousin, Anna...aka "Banana", for a week and a half. They had a good time together...of course, not without their moments of wanting the same toy at the same time, but they always recovered quickly. They would take turns pushing each other in this little car.They would read stories together...mostly because they usually wanted the same book, so we did it together!
Besides these activities, we went to the park down the street from Josh and Adele's, hit the mall a couple of times, made a day trip to Murrieta to see Amanda and Riley, and played with sidewalk chalk!! It was a very busy and fun-filled couple of weeks...and with all of that, who wouldn't want to curl up on the couch with a towel as a blanket?!
Posted by Troy & Allison at 6:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Kai's Choice
Posted by Troy & Allison at 4:14 PM 5 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Its a Girl!!!
We are so thrilled to be expecting a little princess in January!! Here she is at 19weeks 5days. She is measuring perfectly...except her legs are about five days ahead. If you look at Troy, its not hard to see why. :) She is healthy and everything is in perfect development. As for the name...we had a boy's name picked out, but when we found out it was a girl I turned to Troy and said, "Let the battle begin!" We have not come to a conclusion for a name yet...but sorry to say that even when we do, it'll be a secret until she is born. We are, however, still open to suggestions. Hope you are all well and I will try to get better at posting...I've been slacking.
Posted by Troy & Allison at 4:05 PM 4 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
Bee Sting
Kai got his first bee sting yesterday! He was playing up in a "tree house" at Grandpa Thompson's at a honey bee landed right on his face and stung his cheek. He was such a trouper! Kai didn't even cry...just a couple of whimpers, an ice cube and a cookie later he was just fine. :) Although about three o'clock this morning he woke up saying his cheek and his tummy hurt, but a class of milk fixed that. FYI: You don't know if you are allergic to bee stings until you have been stung twice.
Posted by Troy & Allison at 3:25 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Okay...I've Been Tagged?!
So...I guess I will do this...I'm kind of bored. :)
5 Things on my list of things to do today:
1. Wake up
2. Puke
3. Give my notice at work
4. Do some office work at Taekwondo
5 Snacks I enjoy (right now):
1. Chewy Sprees
2. Carrots
3. Peanut butter & honey sandwiches
4. Mambas
5 Things I would do if I suddenly became a billionaire:
1. Shout HOORAY!!! (Thanks Kachelle)
2. Buy my dream house!
3. Set aside most of it for school, weddings, missions
4. Get my mom set up for as long as possible
5. Not worry about the price of gas
5 Places I've lived:
1. Murrieta, CA
2. Thatcher, AZ
3. Taylorsville, UT
4. SLC, UT
5. (Sad...thats it)
5 Jobs I've held: (The ones I’m allowed to talk about)
1. Office manager for an insurance company
2. Nanny
3. Childcare teacher
4. Food Service for the Gold Club
5. Babysitter
5 Things People don't know about me:
1. I have an extra vertebrae in my back
2. I really don't like balloons (because they pop!)
3. I actually do like to cook
4. I still listen to N'sync
5. I can drive a stick shift
5 People I tag:
1. Adele (when you eventually get on and update!)
2. Jill
3. Tyler & Aubrey
4. Wyatt
Posted by Troy & Allison at 4:04 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
We took Kai to the KID BARN this past weekend and he had a blast!! Its this warehouse that they have turned into a kid's playland. There are seven to eight of these blowup toys, all different, spaced out in the warehouse. They have a spot to watch movies, play on computers and lunch tables. Its so cheap and there are no time limits to play! This is just one video I took of him going down the slide...he had so much fun!!
Posted by Troy & Allison at 4:30 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Kai is now 2 and we can't believe the time has gone by so quickly!! He is so much fun to watch and listen to. He talks SO MUCH! He even sings in church. He really enjoys music, books, movies, and his "Buddy". "Buddy" is his daddy. He is Troy's best teaching assistant in Taekwondo - or at least the most adorable one. His favorite movies: Happy Feet, Enchanted, "Spideryam", "Toey" (Ratatouille), and "Incrediguliguliguls" (Incredibles). He loves his "banana", is cousin Anna. He is just such a miracle and a joy in our lives. We are so blessed to have him with us and we look forward to watching him learn so much more!!
Posted by Troy & Allison at 6:50 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Troy & Tyler both found coconuts...did you know that in Hawaii, 6 people die per year from having coconuts fall on their head?
We took a 7-hour catamaran boat ride around the Napoli coast. It was so gorgeous and quite a fun ride. Troy got "kicked off" the front of the boat when we went through the chanel, because the water is so rough, but he was the only one out there. We were also taken to the "Forbidden Island"...really interesting history to go along with it. We did some snorkeling out there. To the right of the boat was abou thirty feet of water with coral and lots of the left of the boat was 180 foot drop! I didn't get too close to that side. We saw tons of dolphins and about four was so beautiful and exciting!
Posted by Troy & Allison at 4:44 PM 0 comments