Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kai's Birthday!!

My baby boy is no longer a baby! Kai turned 3 earlier this month and I just can't believe it! For is his birthday we let him open his gifts in the morning so he could play with them all day...he had a ton of fun!! We had a special dinner for him and a cake - which he was so excited about when he saw the candles. That weekend, we had a little birthday party for him. We had family and really close friends over and it was so fun. The kids played games and the adults got to relax and chat with each other. Then we sang "Happy Birthday" - I had to hold him above the crowd of kids so he could actually blow out the candles. Then he got to open his gifts - with the help of all the other kids there...I don't think he minded the help. He loved all of his gifts and we thank all of you who came to help Kai celebrate!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


The other day I asked Troy to help me get the kids dressed. I had Reese and he was in charge of Kai. In the left-hand picture, notice that both of his legs are in one leg of the pants. Kai thought it was so funny and hopped around the house for a little bit. Finally Troy "fixed" the pant situation. I was looking at Kai and just laughed. Notice in the right-hand picture that his pants are on backwards! I don't know about these boys!! But I love them both so much - so I suppose a little lack of style sense is okay. :)

My Special Christmas Gift

About a week before Christmas I was talking to my sister, Adele and she said that if I had Reese on Christmas I needed to take a picture of her with a big bow on (like a present). This is what I got. I had a lot of fun trying to get the perfect picture of her as my little gift...she didn't have as much fun as I did, but I'm sure she is over it. :) She is a really good baby!! I was a bit nervous, because I've heard that #2 isn't as good as #1 - but I have no complaints!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Reese is one week

I can't believe Reese is one week already! She has been such a joy to have at home...she sleeps a ton and really only fusses when she is hungry. She has sleeping stretches for 4-5 hours at night and I really have been enjoying that! :) Kai has done so well with her so far. He really likes to hold her for about 10 seconds at a time...but he always gives her a kiss on the head before he gives her up. He is very protective of her already and I love it!! We are so blessed to have her here and are looking forward to many more moments of happiness!!